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Welcome Chaos...
If you are not skilled in applying the Rules Of Chaos, then saying, "Welcome Chaos," is the scariest invitation possible. Forcing your meeting Spaces to conform to your limits of understanding, to your style of sense-making, and controlling them so that the power Flows only towards you, because, "I am the Spaceholder," kills Possibility, strangles Invention, and suffocates the Real Voices of your collaborators. When Unconscious Fear prevails, it stifles life, focuses Resources towards ordinary Survival, and makes for a dead and boring collaboration. It need not continue like this for you. Something completely different from this is possible right now.
Rules Of Chaos
Robert's Rules of Order is a manual of parliamentary procedure written the Gameworld Builder and Memetic Engineer Henry Martyn Robert, a United States Army officer.
The handbook was first published in 1876 as an adaptation of the rules and practice of the United States Congress to the needs of non-legislative societies.
Since essentially ALL of modern culture organizations are designed with a hierarchical power structure, Robert's Rules of Order has become the most widely used manual of parliamentary procedure in the United States.
These 'rules of order' govern the meetings of a diverse range of organizations - including church groups, county commissions, homeowners associations, nonprofit associations, professional societies, school boards, and trade unions - that have adopted these procedures as their parliamentary authority.
Archiarchy - the nonmaterial-value and adulthood-healing-and-initiation-centered cultures that are now emerging around the world as Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course - uses toroidal (circular or 'donut-shaped') rather than hierarchical power structures.
Toroidal power structures that alternatively diverge and converge thrive on chaos. Torus Meeting Technologies derive immense wisdom and intelligence from the nonlinearity, unreasonableness, and chaos that is so characteristic of human beings.
As could be imagined, an entirely new handbook is required, using upgraded thoughtware and new thoughtmaps, in order to create, navigate, and end the chaos that emerges during Torus Meetings.
If you want to create something new, the first thing to create is enough new empty Space in which the new thing can be created. In Gameworld Consultant terminology, this action is called 'Cavitating new Gamespace'. You do not ask permission for this. No one has authority over uncreated Gameworld space. There are no rule books or guidelines. New gameworld space opens a creation platform for a different future. This is how Archiarchy is being created right now. There are Pirate Mage Gameworld Builders who have Stellated their Conscious Fear enough to Go To The Edge and set out experimental Context, Codex, and Rules Of Engagement for culture that never existed before on Earth.
However, it cannot be ignored that: Before you create something out of nothing, you must first be able to create nothing out of something. For this, you need a Pirate.
A particularly useful Pirate skill required during the global Epochal Culture Shift which is now underway between Patriarchy and Archiarchy, is dismantling obsolete Gameworlds.
Patriarchal Gameworlds are currently piloted by psychopaths, populated by Zombies, and serving unconscious Gremlin purposes which are exterminating life on Earth.
So much of modern spirituality teaches us to 'accept what is'.
Today, if you care to look around at what is... you can only grieve.
It is criminally insane what uninitiated 'men' have created on Earth with what Gaia has provided.
Yes, it is true: being able to Cause Transformation or Cause Adventure depends on having an accurate assessment of current reality. You must get close-in on what is happening and how things actually work.
This is half of the 'Mage Equation'. The whole Mage Equation is: Where practical potential meets an accurate assessment of current reality is the Mage Interface. This is where you become a Person Of Agency. The Mage Interface occurs within you. It is not pain free. The creation force that arises out of that pain is called 'Directed Tension'.
But having an accurate assessment of current reality does not mean you have to accept it. There are other options to Choose from.
In other words, either you accept what is and grieve... or you blow things up and celebrate!
By bringing 'what is' into breakdown you unleash Chaos within what was just before 'order'. Causing Chaos within a Consciously Held Space is Step 1 of the Phoenix Process. Conscious Chaos is a gateway to Transformation.
Conscious Chaos is a precious resource. Consider that the substance which may be the most resistant to Evolution is the Status Quo. This is why Covid and Climate Change provide a valuable service. They utterly undermine the stability, legitimacy, credibility, and structure of the Status Quo. Are you making use of this opportunity?
If the Chaos is not occurring in a Consciously Held Transformation Space, you may indeed encounter chaos, but when it is over the chaos reforms itself back into the previous design. Ordinary chaos is for 'naught' because nothing changes.
For 'naught' means, for nothing conscious, but quite probably the ordinary chaos has served a lot that is unconscious, for example, Low Drama, Gremlin food, serving your Shadow Principles, serving your Adult Egostate being Contaminated by your Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon Egostates, serving your Reactivity, serving your Survival Strategy, serving your various unconscious Parts, etc.
Using your Purpose Sniffer to detect which Conscious and Unconscious Purposes are being served through each action in a Space adds enough Clarity that 'Conscious Chaos' can be added to your arsenal of Tools, Distinctions, Thoughtmaps, and Processes which you are already using to deliver your Legend Making work as a Possibilitator.
If you want to create something new, the first thing to create is enough new empty Space in which the new thing can be created. In Gameworld Consultant terminology, this action is called 'Cavitating new gamespace'. You do not ask permission for this. No one has authority over uncreated gameworld space. There are no rule books or guidelines. New gameworld space opens a creation platform for a different future. This is how Archiarchy is being created right now. There are Pirate Mage Gameworld Builders who have Stellated their Conscious Fear enough to Go To The Edge and set out experimental Context, Codex, and Rules Of Engagement for culture that never existed before on Earth.
However, it cannot be ignored that: Before you create something out of nothing, you must first be able to create nothing out of something. For this, you need a Pirate.
A particularly useful Pirate skill required during the global Epochal Culture Shift which is now underway between Patriarchy and Archiarchy, is dismantling obsolete gameworlds.
Patriarchal Gameworlds are currently piloted by psychopaths, populated by Zombies, and serving unconscious Gremlin purposes that are exterminating life on Earth.
So much of modern spirituality teaches us to 'accept what is'.
Today, if you care to look around at what is... you can only grieve. It is criminal what uninitiated men have created on Earth with what Gaia has provided.
Yes, it is true: being able to Cause Transformation or Cause Adventure depends on having an accurate assessment of current reality. You must get close-in on what is happening and how things actually work.
This is half of the 'Mage Equation'. The whole Mage Equation is: Where practical potential meets an accurate assessment of current reality is the Mage Interface. This is where you become a Person Of Agency. The Mage Interface occurs within you. It is not pain free. The creation force that arises out of that pain is called 'Directed Tension'.
But having an accurate assessment of current reality does not mean you have to accept it. There are other options to Choose from.
In other words, either you accept what is and grieve... or you blow things up and celebrate!
By bringing 'what is' into breakdown you unleash Chaos within what was just before 'order'. Causing Chaos within a Consciously Held Space is Step 1 of the Phoenix Process. Conscious Chaos is a gateway to Transformation.
Conscious Chaos is a precious resource. Consider that the substance which may be the most resistant to Evolution is the Status Quo. This is why Covid and Climate Change provide a valuable service. They utterly undermine the stability, legitimacy, credibility, and structure of the Status Quo. Are you making use of this opportunity?
If the Chaos is not occurring in a Consciously Held Transformation Space, you may indeed encounter chaos, but when it is over the chaos reforms itself back into the previous design. Ordinary chaos is for 'naught' because nothing changes.
For 'naught' means, for nothing conscious, but quite probably the ordinary chaos has served a lot that is unconscious, for example, Low Drama, Gremlin food, serving your Shadow Principles, serving your Adult Egostate Contaminations: your Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon Egostates, serving your Reactivity, serving your Survival Strategy, serving your Baggage, serving your various unconscious Parts, etc.
Using your Purpose Sniffer to detect which Conscious and Unconscious Purposes are being served through each action in a Space adds enough Clarity that Conscious Chaos can be added to your arsenal of Tools, Distinctions, Thoughtmaps, and Processes which you are already using to deliver your Legend Making work as a Pirate.
All of life is a slow-motion toroidal explosion
emerging from the interface between two media.
- Bill Mollison
Understanding Culture And Human Potential
Excerpts from the documentary: Schooling The World by Carol Black.
(10:57 min)
Rules Of Chaos In Organizations
Ever since its inception approximately 6000 years ago, modern culture designed itself around hierarchies.
In the capitalist patriarchal empire - which has become a 'memetic virus' devouring and smothering human potential around the world - all organizations (even non-profits and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)) use a top-down command-and-control pyramidal power structure. The hierarchy is the default design for modern culture organizations, regardless of whether they are educational, governmental, religious, military, financial, sports, or etc.
The core assumption in modern culture is that those on the top of a pyramid, those who have climbed up the hierarchy, 'obviously' have the oversight, wisdom, and knowledge to make the best decisions to run the organization.
It turns out that the hierarchy is a perfect design to minimize intelligence and possibility, and to defend the 'status quo'. The outcome of modern culture's organizational design error should be obvious to you by now...
The error comes from not realizing that those who are best at doing whatever it takes to climb the hierarchy and take the positions of power are the psychopaths.
No amount of goodwill and possibilities for creating a brighter future for humanity on Earth can ever make a difference in the outcome of hierarchical organizations because, creating a bright future for humanity is not on a psychopath's agenda.
Nonlinear or Unreasonably beneficial Proposals are viewed as problematical and 'dangerously chaotic' by the 'powers that be'. The hierarchy is dedicated to 'law and order', keeping itself in power and enforcing a Rule Of Law that is exterminating life on planet Earth at the fastest possible rate.
Ever since your first day in school, the possibility of using Chaos as a valuable Infinite Resource has been crushed out of existence. Chaos is worse than a taboo. It is threatening, sacrilegious, and heretical. It is blasphemy. It is criminal. Your orders were: "Sit in rows, be quiet, don't move, do as we say, or your entire future will be a miserable failure."
You carry within you active Conclusions leftover from school days. You experience huge internal resistance (read that as: Unconscious Fears) about approaching, acknowledging, connecting with, causing, or in any way liking Chaos.
In most views, Chaos represents insanity, death, the enemy, evil, and the end of the world, yet Chaos is an ever present and central element of Nature.
Learning to implement Rules Of Chaos begins with persistent Self Observation to discover your currently operating Thoughtware. No doubt, along the way, you will awaken the Necessity for a long string of Emotional Healing Processes (EHP), Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, and a skillfully-guided 'Start Over' worldview reset Journey.
Even imagining such a thing will probably freak your Box out entirely enough that you might never be able to find this website again.
Good luck in escaping your Chaos-suppressing Survival Strategies which ongoingly diminish your available free energy, prevent Invention, avoid Possibility, and forbit Flowing Power anywhere else but towards yourself.
Something completely different from that is possible, right now, but only through surrendering to numerous Transformational 5-Body Liquid States during which time your Inner Structures can rather completely reorder.
By introducing you to the Possibility of unleashing and harvesting positive benefits of Chaos in your meetings and Teams, we are at the same time inviting you to a life-long skills development Path. If you accept the offer, and you practice well, the world will work differently for you. We speak from our own experience.
So much of what happens in a Team seems tainted with resentment, fear, competition, power struggles, revenge, and inexplicable anguish, that the very idea of starting a Circle and trying again looks distasteful in the extreme.
It can help to thoroughly study the Torus Technology (http://torustechnology.org) website and give yourself permission to recognize how much you do not know about what you don't yet know.
The practical differences are radical and vast between operating in the Context, Purpose, and Procedures of a Circular Team rather than a Hierarchical Team .
This small section in this website cannot suffice even as a mini-handbook for Circular organizations. We will at best open a few doors for your further exploration.
- Hierarchical Team members sit around a table so that the center of the Space is blocked and covered, and so that participants can hide behind the objects on the table in front of them and behind the table itself.
- Circular Team members sit in chairs a circle around an empty space (no flowers, candles, flags, scarves, crystals, sea shells, pictures of your mother...) so that Nothingness is available as an Infinite Resource for Creation. People sit in straight-backed chairs, because sitting hunched over in cross-legged position on the floor forces the belly and chest to scrunch over into a physical position that interferes with breathing freely and Consciously Feeling and using your Feelings and Emotions.
- The 'Leader' of the Hierarchical meeting sits at the head of the table so that everyone knows who has the power and the final say. The 'Leader' works from an Agenda, where the answers to any questions, or the outcome of any decisions, have already been decided by those higher-up in the Hierarchy. The 'Leader' is the 'Leader' so that everyone else knows they are nothing more than one of the many 'followers'. No organization can use the concept of 'Leadership' without automatically generating 'Followership', the peasants, the Zombies, the economic slaves. The Hierarchical Meeting will never get out of control. There will be no uprising from the masses of slaves. Nothing new can be Created here. A Hierarchical Meeting is a defensive meeting. The status quo is protected, and nothing new can be created.
- In a Circular or Torus Meeting, there is no 'Leader'. What you have instead is a Spaceholder. Being 'Spaceholder' is a job that can be passed on to anyone around the Circle. The Spaceholder's job is to Become A Space, Cavitate Space, Hold Space, and Navigate Space. The Skills of a Spaceholder include Declaring The Energetic Space into existence, guarding the space, making the Grounding Cord, Setting Context, calling in the Bright Principles of the Team, and Navigating Space. A Torus Meeting is an expansive meeting. New things can be created that never existed before, even if they are Transformational.
In Torus (Circular) Meeting Technology, the Team breathes.
- The Team coming together is called 'Convergence', which is the 'inhaling'.
- The Team breaking out into its various 'Nodes' for Creating and Deciding is the 'Divergence', the 'exhaling'.
Convergence is a 'Uniform Team' where we all do the same thing at the same time.
Divergence is a 'Creation Team' or 'Evolution Team' where each Node does what it needs or wants to do under its own Radically Responsible cognizance.
In Torus Meeting Technology, each and every individual is regarded as a Doorway to Infinite Resources. Everyone is unleashed all at the same time. To be heard and understood, people generally speak one after the other, as navigated by the Spaceholder. Each person's vast intelligence resources are requested.
In Torus Meeting Technology, Feelings and Emotions are experienced as intelligence and energy resources. It is also recognized that Feelings and Emotions are vastly different from each other. Feelings are for handling things. Emotions are for healing things. They both start out feeling the same: Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Joy. But then the difference becomes visible:
- Feelings arise, are used, and then they Experientially disappear in less than 3 minutes.
- Emotions arise, may or may not be expressed, and no matter what you try, they last longer than 3 minutes. Emotions may last an hour, a week... often for months or years. We know that you know what we are talking about...
During either Convergence or Divergence it is often the case that Emotional Reactivity arises.
In Torus Meeting Technology it is contextually clear that Emotions exist in Time. A person in Emotions is not in the Present. Emotions are a blessing and a Doorway for the person feeling them to do an Emotional Healing Process (EHP).
Sometimes the person who is experiencing Emotions recognizes that they are experiencing Emotions. Sometimes they do not.
- When a person in the Circle (everyone in the room is in the Circle, there are no bystanders permitted...) recognizes that they are experiencing Emotions, they say, "I am feeling Emotional Anger (or Emotional Sadness, or Emotional Fear, or Emotional Joy, or Mixed Emotions). Would someone Hold Space for an Emotional Healing Process for me?" The volunteer EHP Spaceholder goes with Emoting person as their Client into an adjacent Space and Navigates the Emotional Healing Process then and there. When they are through the Process - usually within 20 to 40 minutes - they return to the meeting space and are welcomed back into the meeting, often sharing their insights and discovery Treasures with the Team.
- When a person who is experiencing Emotions is not aware that they are experiencing Emotions - thinking that since they 'feel' them they must be feelings... - then anyone in the room holds up their Purple Card to signal that an Emotional Healing Process would be in order.
If only one member of the Circle holds up their Purple Card... it could be their own personal Emotional Reactivity, and actually they are the one who found a Doorway to an Emotional Healing Process.
But if three, five, or ten members of the Circle hold up their Purple Card, it can be fairly certain that the emoting person has discovered an old wound, a remnant vow, an outdated decision, a Projection, an Expectation, an unconscious fear, an Emotional Block, or some Brain Splits, for example, and the Team can provide them with one or two Spaceholders for their Emotional Healing Process in the next room.
With these simple but powerful arrangements in a Torus Meeting contexted in Radical Responsibility and the Thoughtware and Distinctions of Possibility Management, you have suddenly created an Extraordinary space that is clear and resilient enough of a container to unleash the brilliance of Chaos and Transformation.
From this humble beginning, there is indescribably more value to be discovered and implemented through applying the Infinite Resource of Conscious Chaos.
Creating from Fear, Chaos, and the Groundless Void
with Clinton Callahan and Dan Palmer
(1 hour 13 min)
After watching this entire video (and taking notes in your Beep! Book for designs of Experiments to try...)
please register Matrix Code YOUTUBE1.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
The Podcast of this talk is available on Next Culture Radio. It has a different Matrix Code.
Rules of Chaos applied live to an Archiarchal Gameworld
(1 hour 03 min)
After watching this entire video (and taking notes in your Beep! Book for designs of Experiments to try...)
please register Matrix Code YOUTUBE1.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
The Podcast of this talk is available on Next Culture Radio. It has a different Matrix Code.
From Season 1 Episode 2 of The Witcher
The Sorceress Tissaia speaks to her Apprentices:
I sense your terror.
And you are right to be afraid.
Chaos is the most dangerous thing in this world.
It is all around us all the time.
Volatile and powerful.
But... each one of you showed an aptitude for channeling it.
Your conduit moment created a new ripple in chaos, when you arrived at this website.
But just because you are conduits of chaos...
does not mean that you are capable of magic.
Listen closely.
Your survival depends on it.
Magic is organizing chaos.
And while oceans of mystery remain,
we have deduced that this requires two things.
Balance and control.
Without them, chaos will kill you.
There is no conjuring something from nothing.
There is a give and a take.
This trial tests your ability to control the ultimate expression of chaos.
Catch lightning in a bottle.
That's impossible.
No, it's magic.
It is your job to control chaos, not become it.
If I send you to advise a client, and your precious little feelings get hurt when he won't listen, and you submit to chaos, then he fails, his people turn on us. Whose fault would that be?
No. It would be mine, for allowing you to think you are ready.
There is no final state of 'mastery' when it comes to inventing out of Chaos.
There is only the trail of footprints and created artifacts, left as results from your Experiments.
May you live long and experiment well.
And may many benefit.
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A small tagline- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code RULCHAOS.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!